The Golden Throats Wiki

The Prince of Grand Street.

The Prince of Grand Street is a stage musical.



Musical numbers[]

Act I
  • "A Grand Street Tivoli Presentation (Romeo and Juliet)" - Company
  • "Fifty Cents" - Mourners
  • "I'm a Girl with Too Much Heart" - Leah
  • "I Know What It Is to Be Alone" - Leah and Rashumsky
  • "I'm a Star" - Rashumsky
  • "Sew a Button" - Leah and Factory Workers
  • "Do I Make You Happy?" - Leah and Rashumsky
  • "A Grand Street Tivoli Presentation (Sailor of Sabastapol)" - Company
Act II
  • "A Grand Street Tivoli Presentation (Abraham Lincoln)" - Company
  • "A Place in the World" - Leah
  • "My Potential" - Yetta, Goldman and Krantz
  • "The Youngest Person I Know" - Leah, Rashumsky and Ensemble
  • "A Grand Street Tivoli Presentation (Huck Finn)" - Ensemble
  • "What Do I Do Now?" - Leah
  • "What Do I Do Now?" (reprise) - Leah