The Golden Throats Wiki

The Adventures of Marco Polo.

The Adventures of Marco Polo is a stage musical based on the life of the explorer Marco Polo.



Musical numbers[]

  • "Beyond the Sunrise" - Marco Polo and Ensemble
  • "You'll Be Seeing Me" - The Girl I Left Behind
  • "Market Day" - Marco Polo and Ensemble
  • "Xanadu" - The Damsel With a Dulcimer and Ensemble
  • "Population" - Marco Polo and Ensemble
  • "Silver Bells" - The Girl in the Garden
  • "The Tartar Song" - Marco Polo and Ensemble
  • "The Garden of Imagining" - The Girl in the Garden and Ensemble
  • "Who, Me?" - Marco Polo, Achmed and Ensemble
  • "Uneasy Lies the Head" - Kublai Khan
  • "Worlds" - Marco Polo
  • "You'll Be Seeing Me" (reprise) - The Princess
  • "Is It You?" - Marco Polo and The Girl I Left Behind