Something More!
Something More! is a stage musical based on the book Portofino P.T.A. by Gerald Green.
- Arthur Hill - Bill Deems
- Barbara Cook - Carol Deems
- Joan Copeland - Marchesa Valentina Crespi
- Ronny Graham - Monte Checkovitch
- Michael Kermoyan - Lepescu
- Peg Murray - Mrs. Ferenzi
- Rico Froelich - Joe Santini/Policeman
- Victor R. Helou - Tony Santini/Luigi
- Paula Kelly - Mrs. Veloz
- Jo Jo Smith - Mr. Veloz
- Katey O'Brady - Julie/Maria
- Hal Linden - Dick
- Christopher Man - Tony
- Kenny Kealy - Freddy Deems
- Neva Small - Suzy Deems
- Eric White - Adam Deems
Musical numbers[]
- Act I
- "Something More" - Bill Deems
- "Who Fills the Bill" - Carol Deems, Suzy Deems, Freddy Deems, Adam Deems, Dick and Committee Members
- "The Straw That Broke the Camel's Back" - Bill Deems
- "Better All the Time" - Carol Deems
- "Don't Make a Move" - Joe Santini and Tony Santini
- "Don't Make a Move" (Reprise) - Joe Santini, Tony Santini and Portofino Branch
- "No Questions" - Carol Deems
- "Church of My Choice" - Monte Checkovitch
- "Jaded, Degraded Am I!" - Monte Checkovitch
- "I've Got Nothin' To Do" - Carol Deems, Mrs. Ferenzi, Suzy Deems, Freddy Deems and Adam Deems
- "I've Got Nothin' To Do" (Reprise) - Mrs. Ferenzi
- "In No Time At All" - Marchesa Valentina Crespi
- "The Master of the Greatest Art of All" - Lepescu
- "Grazie Per Niente" - Monte Checkovitch, Carol Deems, Mr. Veloz, Mrs. Veloz and Guests
- "I Feel Like New Year's Eve" - Carol Deems
- "One Long Last Look" - Carol Deems
- Act II
- "Ode to a Key" - Bill Deems
- "Bravo, Bravo, Novelisto" - Bill Deems, Policeman and Luigi
- "Life Is Too Short" - Monte Checkovitch and Mrs. Ferenzi
- "Il Lago de Inamoratti" - Mr. Veloz, Mrs. Veloz and Ensemble
- "Mineola" - Carol Deems
- "Come Sta" - Mrs. Ferenzi, Suzy Deems, Freddy Deems, Adam Deems, Maria and Tony
- "Finaletto" - Bill Deems and Carol Deems