The Golden Throats Wiki

Karl Swenson was an American actor.


Born in Brooklyn, New York, he began a career on the stage after initially planning to be a doctor, notably appearing in Arthur Miller's The Man Who Had All the Luck. He also performed extensively on the radio, including on such shows as Cavalcade of America, Joe Palooka and This is Your FBI. Swenson performed frequently on television, often in western series such as Have Gun, Will Travel and Johnny Ringo.

Swenson made his film debut with an uncredited role in 1935, before moving on to a number of films including No Name on the Bullet, Judgement at Nuremberg and Brighty of the Grand Canyon and the voice role of Merlin in Disney's The Sword in the Stone.

Swenson passed away in 1978.


As well as singing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" on Bachelor Father, Swenson also performed several songs in The Sword in the Stone, including the solo "Higitus Figitus."


The Sword in the Stone (1963)[]

  • Higitus Figitus (solo)
  • That's What Makes the World Go Round (duet)
  • A Most Befuddling Thing (solo)


Bachelor Father (1958)[]

  • For He's a Jolly Good Fellow

